Every student preparing sincerely for GMAT exams wants to pass the exams with good marks. But if you want something badly but don't work efficiently to achieve it, it won't help. The same applies to the GMAT exam. To ace the GMAT you need to work smart from the very beginning. Here what you need is a perfectly designed study plan. A perfect study plan gives you multiple benefits that you will experience as soon as you start following it with discipline. In this blog, you will learn the right method to create a study plan for your GMAT exam.
7 Steps to make a perfect study plan
You need a serious commitment when it comes to GMAT preparation. While most of the GMAT aspirants know what to try and how to study, many don’t know where to start and more specifically, how to make the appropriate time commitment. Several variables decide how your study schedule should look, including:
- Goal score
- Starting score
- Work schedule
- School schedule
- Family obligations
It is advised to the educators to start your GMAT prep early so that you get sufficient time for your preparation and analysis, but no worries as this guide will help you make a perfect study plan so that you can cover the maximum of your syllabus in a limited time.
1. Assess Your Starting Point
Before starting, you need to do a self-analysis to know where you stand, or how much preparation is needed from your side. Do this by taking a full-length mock test within a specified time limit and full honesty. After completion, check your score and the reports showcasing your weaker sections and the strongest sections. This should be your starting point as from here you will create a study plan that would dedicate more time to your weaker section and limited time to the strongest areas.
Tip: It would be better if you take the official GMAT online mock test for better accuracy and representation of the exam.
2. Set a target Score
The second step you need to follow is setting up a target score. This will set a goal in front of you as to how much more practice is needed to achieve that goal. Make sure to set realistic targets and before setting your target score you have checked the requirements of your target college thoroughly. This step is crucial because it will influence the intensity and duration of your study plan.
Tip: Consider the percentile you want to achieve when setting your target score. This will help you gauge how competitive you need to be.
3. Determine Your Study Timeline
Time management is crucial when it comes to exam preparation. Calculate the time left the day before the final examination since this will help you to make an effective study plan. However, the timeline of your study plan also depends on your baseline score and target score. If you have limited time then you can either take professional help or can target next year since you will get an ample amount of time, but if you can go with both options and have a significant amount of time then break your timeline into a weekly and monthly basis, set short targets on daily basis, this will help you stay consistent and keep you on track.
Tip: Create a content calendar that includes days, and timestamps along with the topic, mock test, and revision.
4. Identify study resources
GAMT involves a vast syllabus and is a comprehensive test, you need to use the right study resources or materials to complete the exam. Carefully invest in your proper material, including books, online coaching, offline coaching, mocks, etc. When choosing online coaching for preparation, check and enquire everything thoroughly. Make sure that they are providing you with the exact services you need. Do the same with offline coaching as well., don’t fall for any fake promises, but keep your alert mode on and then decide.
Tip: For online coaching, you can visit the website and check reviews, and you can take the help of your peers to give you fruitful suggestions.
5. Create a Weekly Study Schedule
Now it’s time to create a weekly study schedule where you need to keep everything in front of you which includes your weaker sections, strong sections, baseline score and target score. Plan 4-6 days a week, dedicating 2-3 hours a day. You can adjust the timing as per your requirements. Your weekly schedule should include:
- A mix of content review
- Practice questions
- Practice questions
- Revision
Start focusing on weaker areas and gradually increase your level of difficulty by keeping track of time. Below is a sample of the weekly schedule:
- Monday: Quantitative review (algebra and geometry)
- Tuesday: Verbal review (critical reasoning)
- Wednesday: Integrated reasoning practice
- Thursday: Quantitative practice questions
- Friday: Verbal practice questions
- Saturday: Full-length practice test
- Sunday: Review and rest
Tip: Give less time to your strongest sections and more time to your weaker section
6. Take Practice Tests
Practice tests are crucial during exam preparation, They help you give an idea about the paper pattern, level of difficulty, time required, speed required, etc. By creating an environment similar to the day of the actual exam, students can experience the pressure while taking the mock test. This helps the student to get comfortable with the pressure so that it does not affect them on the main day. Hence it is advised by educators to take plenty of mock tests, especially when you have a good amount of time left for your GMAT exam. Thoroughly review your answer and take sufficient time to analyze your performance this will give you a clear idea of how to perform on the actual day.
Tip: Use the analysis from the practice test to fine-tune your study plan, and dedicate more time to your weaker areas.
7. Take care of yourself
Your all efforts will go to waste if you don't keep yourself fit and healthy till the final exam. You cannot take the risk of getting ill or feeling sick. This would break the consistency of your preparation which can lead to poor performance. Take a good amount of sleep, and eat a healthy and balanced diet. exercise, and perform yoga for mental relaxation.
Tip: Take a 10 -15 min break after studying continuously for 3-4 hours. Avoid burnout and keep yourself calm
In conclusion, a study plan for GMAT is the same as a roadmap for you to reach your destination. A disciplined approach, a well-designed study plan, consistency, and perfect execution can get you admitted to your dream university. Don’t let overconfidence overpower your confidence, stay updated and calm, and give full focus to your preparations.